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Barry Jantz

Assembly GOP Slams Federal Immigration Proposal

This just in…..

Assembly Republicans Call for Defeat of Immigration Law
22 Sign letter to Congress & Presidential Candidates

Sacramento, CA – Today, 22 California Republican Assembly members have sent a letter to the United States Senate and Congressional leadership, as well as presidential candidates expressing opposition to the pending Federal immigration legislation.

“The proposed Federal immigration legislation would be disastrous for California and the Country,” said Assemblyman Joel Anderson, who gathered the signatures from his fellow legislators. “We have a responsibility to inform our Federal representatives and presidential candidates, who will be seeking California’s votes, that this thinly veiled amnesty bill should be killed,” said Anderson.

The letter states:

We opposed this ill-conceived and dangerous legislation for the following reasons:

-It is veiled amnesty for 11 million law-breaking immigrants, people who have violated the law by entering this country illegally.

-It will allow 11 million illegal immigrants to stay in the United States, diverting taxpayer-financed funds from public schools, health care facilities, and the criminal justice system.

-It could open a flood gate of illegal immigration, of individuals seeing that illegal behavior is encouraged.

We urge United States Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, and Presidential candidates seeking votes in California to all publicly oppose this legislation.

Anderson, whose East San Diego County constituents are severely impacted by illegal immigration, believes that “increased enforcement of existing laws, not rewarding lawbreakers, is the key to solving this problem.”


Attached below are the letter and signatures.

Here are all the signers:

Joel Anderson – El Cajon
Ted Gaines – Roseville 
Doug La Malfa – Redding
Bill Maze – Visalia
Michael D. Duvall – Brea
Jean Fuller – Bakersfield
Cameron Smyth – Valencia
Jim Silva – Huntington Beach
Sharon Runner – Lancaster
Alan Nakanishi – Lodi
Guy Houston – Livermore
Martin Garrick – Carlsbad
Chuck DeVore – Irvine
Mimi Walters – Laguna Niguel
Audra Strickland – Westlake Village
Todd Spitzer – Orange
Van Tran – Costa Mesa
Bill Emmerson – Rancho Cucamonga
Paul Cook  – Yucaipa
Kevin Jeffries – Murrieta
Roger Niello – Sacramento
John J. Benoit – Riverside