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Jon Fleischman

UPDATE: “Encouraging” Show Of Support For Thompson In California

[Yesterday, the FR posted about news of an impending release of Republican legislators’ encouragement of former U.S. Senator and Law & Order actor Fred Thompson to enter the race for the presidency.  Thanks to Senate Republican Caucus Chairman George Runner, the FR can now share with readers the actual letter of encouragement signed by nine members of the Senate and Assembly.]

An exerpt from the letter of encouragement to Fred Thompson (also attached below):

"Americans are looking for a leader to serve as our next President with a proven record of limiting the size and scope of government.  Americans trust in political institutions has been jaded by broken promises of reduced spending and lowered taxes.

"Your record and ability to bring people together demonstrates that you are that leader who has consistently acted to advance conservative philosophy in government."

"Should you answer the call to serve our nation once again, we pledge our support to you and your campaign."

As previously mentioned, Thompson can now claim the most legislative support in California with nine "encouragers".