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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The GOP Stopped the Bush/Kennedy Amnesty Plan. And what’s up with the WSJ Ed Board?

As we go into a quiet weekend, with all of America comforted by the fact that Paris Hilton is back behind bars, we’re left to contemplate the aftermath of the so-far unsuccessful attempts by President Bush, Teddy Kennedy and others to push through the federal immigration amnesty package. 

A couple of weeks ago, it looked like passage through the Senate, while a rocky road, was a likely one.  But over the last couple of weeks, despite a barrage of misleading messaging from the White House and other sources, somehow trying to say that amnesty isn’t amnesty, enough GOP Senators came together (whether through enlightenment, impact from an intense grassroots lobbying effort, or a combination of the two) to prevent the matter from coming to a final vote in the Senate.
Second only to the fact that this ill-advised bill was so strongly supported by a Republican President to whom I devoted the 2000 election cycle when I worked as Executive Director of the California Republican Party was the rhetoric coming from the otherwise reliable stable of conservative/libertarian thought over on the Wall Street Journal editorial board.

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The GOP Stopped the Bush/Kennedy Amnesty Plan. And what’s up with the WSJ Ed Board?”

  1. Says:

    Jon, you somehow forget that the Wll Street Journal editorialists promote a radical capitalist agenda.

    Amnesty for illegal immigrants and the continued importation of a large pool of low-cost foreign workers is completely consistent with their ideology.

  2. Says:

    The Republican party is laughable.
    We almost got the largest wealth transfer from the taxpaying middle class to the rich in United States history..the illegal alien amensty and GREAT SOCIETY 2 program.

    Who can you trust….big donations from rich donors who have business models exploiting immigrant labor transfering health and education and penal costs to the middle class American taxpayer.

    And some criticize Walmart? Get a grip…there are untold number of rich people and businesses who could not survive without exploitating human labor….makes you want to take a shower doesn’t it?

  3. Says:

    Seriously now.

    Bush and Co. are OWNED by the business interests that wanted a steady supply of near slave-labor they could exploit. If they had their way, the criminal employers would STILL have sought out labor under the table as they do now because they’re STILL going to be greedy bastards who don’t want to pay a legal wage. And much as the WSJ gets it right more often than not, they’re right with the globalists on this one?

    And anyone is surprised? This is the same “hero” president who’s presided over unpredcented growth in government and spending. How anyone can support this jackass and still call themselves a conservative is beyond me. And how anyone can still send a cent to support the Grand Old Party of cowards and limpwrists is just pathetic.