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Jon Fleischman

Fred Thompson: FR’s Managing Editor Emeritus has been there from the outset…

If FR readers don’t already know it, now is a good time for you to ‘officially’ hear that former FlashReport Managing Editor Nicholas Romero (pictured to the right) has occupied a leadership role with the efforts to get former Tennesee Senator and Law & Order actor Fred Thompson into the race for the GOP Presidential nomination.  For those that took the opportunity to make their way over to the "Draft Thompson" website (, you would have seen Nick’s name featured as their contact for the Golden State.

Nick actually joined up as a volunteer with the draft Thompson movement back in early 2007, and he has been steadily working to marshall California Republicans for the Thompson cause.  I’m sure that Nick’s efforts have helped generate some of the more than 50,000 online petitions that were filled out on the Draft Thompson site.

As we have all seen lately (here on this site, and especially with news-sites that cover more national politics), Fred Thompson has taken the next step, opening an official committee, and with that, an official Thompson Committee website,

Nick shared with me that the draft committee is "retiring" and efforts are now shifting to the work of the official committee.

I asked Nick what he thought about all of this.  Clearly he’s very excited that Thompson is moving forward, and Nick looks forward to being very involved with the candidacy of Fred Thompson.  When I asked him about the ‘shutting down’ of the draft effort, Nick said, "I’m thrilled!  I’ve never been more happy to be dismissed from duty and to have played my part.  It’s been an honor to serve on the Leadership Team of the enormously successful draft Thompson grassroots movement. 
Nick then went on to say, “I’m very anxious for the day I may celebrate Senator Thompson’s announced candidacy for President.  I hope it comes soon.  We need Fred Thompson’s leadership in the White House.”

We here at the FlashReport are proud of Nick, and the work that he is doing for a cause in which he believes strongly.

Want to reach Nick?  E-mail him here.

With Dichiara over at Team Romney, Nick with Team Thompson, Lacy with Team Rudy and Buck with McCain — we’re sure to here a lot of great scoops here on the FR!

One Response to “Fred Thompson: FR’s Managing Editor Emeritus has been there from the outset…”

  1. Says:

    Good work Nick!

    OC Staffers are always the best!