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Mike Spence

CFRW, CYR, YRFC Join Pro-Family Groups Opposing AB 16

The California Federation of Republican Women, The California Young Republicans Inc. and the Young Republican Federation of California (YRFC) are opposing AB 16. Capitol Resource Institute, Concerned Women of American and Eagle Forum join them in asking legislators to vote no.
AB 16 is a bill that requires all school children to be immunized based on the action of the unelected head of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Five years after they say so, California children must be immunized based on what they say. This bill started as simple lets force middle age schoolgirls to get vaccinated with a drug that has been on the market for only a year, but pushed by a big pharmaceutical company (Merck) kind of bill. The original sponsor pulled off after it was revealed how much Merck stock the family owned. (There is competing drug coming out, but Merck wants to force as many as they can before there is choice)
Amendments secured by a couple Republicans changed it to giving the power to the agency and included a notification that parents can opt out.
As a result some pro-family groups like California Family Council and Tradition Values Coalition are “neutral”. They still don’t ask lawmakers to vote yes. 

How many Republicans will vote to give this authority to an unelected government official and a de facto mandatory HPV vaccination in California?