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Barry Jantz

Gwinn Steps to the Plate…or, Casey at the Bat

These bad Gwynn/Gwinn baseball metaphors or going to have to stop.

In response to yesterday’s Sunday San Diego, in which I referenced the rumours afloat of former San Diego City Attorney Casey Gwinn taking a shot at Congress, he weighed in directly, indicating such is not the case:

I hope you are well.  I saw your piece in FlashReport.  I too consider you a friend.  I am not a candidate for the congressional seat and will not be. 

My life is going a different direction and I am going to keep dedicating my time to my work in family violence.  On Friday, I was honored to be interviewed on CBS – The Early Show by Harry Smith about our new National Family Justice Center Alliance –  I have co-authored two books in the past year about the rapidly developing Family Justice Center movement.

The U.S. Department of Justice has now asked me to oversee a National Family Justice Center Technical Assistance Project and the building of the New Orleans Family Justice Center.  I am also going to focus on the long-term success of the San Diego Family Justice Center, allowing us to build a much stronger community-based approach in San Diego to services for battered women and their children.

Have a great weekend.


Casey Gwinn, J.D.
Special Assistant to the District Attorney &
Volunteer Chief Executive Officer
San Diego Family Justice Center Foundation
National Family Justice Center Alliance (Foundation website)

That pretty much dispels that buzz.  I wish Casey all the best!  For more info on his latest book, you can link here.