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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Is Jerry Lewis retiring from Congress?

For the second time in two weeks, venerable Capitol insider and political columnist Bob Novak has penned something in his column about rumors that Congressman Jerry Lewis ("R"-California) is going to be retiring at the end of this term.  We can only hope that the "King of Pork" will sail off into the sunset.  That said, it is a source of supreme disappointment that he still continues to serve as the ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, given that he used the Chairmanship of that Committee to lord (or is that "lard") over the doling out of so many thousands of horrible earmarks, including for the now-infamous multi-million dollar swimming pool in his own district.  Minority Leader John Boehner needs to ask himself whether the GOP can really be expected to perform differently in the majority if even the more outstrageous Republican ‘spendaholics’ can’t be demoted after a loss like we suffered last year…

Need some reminders on Lewis?  Check here and here.
Anyways, below are two excerpts, the first from Novak’s latest column, and the other from a political ‘buzz’ column in the San Bernardino Sun, both on Lewis…

**There is more – click the link**

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