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Jon Fleischman

Tom McClintock named Co-Chairman of Western CPAC

[Publisher’s Note: We try NOT to reprint press releases in this space verbatim, but since I am post from my vacation, I hope that FR readers will be forgiving.  This is exciting news, and I am pleased that many are already registering online for Western CPAC.  If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s no time like now! – Flash]

Senator Tom McClintock named Co-Chairman of Conservative Conference
One of California’s most respected and admired state legislators–California State Senator Tom McClintock (R-19th District)–has been named a co-chairman of the Western Conservative Political Action Conference.

“Tom McClintock is the most highly-regarded statewide conservative leader since Ronald Reagan was Governor,” said James V. Lacy, the group’s chairman. “He is a principled and articulate spokesman for limited government, fiscal res! traint and the entire conservative movement,” said Lacy.

First elected to the State Assembly at age 26, McClintock was elected in 2000 to the California Senate. He played a major role in rebating more than a billion dollars back to residents who had overpaid state income taxes and was the Legislature’s driving force to abolish the car tax. In 2002, he narrowly missed being elected State Controller by the closest margin in California history: 23/100ths of one percent of votes cast.

Statewide polls among Republicans, Democrats and independents consistently demonstrate voters respect McClintock’s unwavering defense of the principles which he has articulated for many years.

"Tom’s involvement will add even more appeal to conservatives who look forward to many campaig n victories in 2008,” said Lacy. “He will play a major role in our conference and is certain to help attract conservatives statewide to attend and participate,” Lacy concluded.

The Western Conservative Political Action Conference will take place on Friday and Saturday, October 12 and 13 of this year at the Fairmont Hotel in Newport Beach. For more information, see Ronald Reagan’s son Michael is General Chairman of WCPAC. McClintock joins current co-chairmen James V. Lacy, Jon Fleischman, Floyd G. Brown, David Keene and Gary Kreep.

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