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Jennifer Nelson

Further investigation into Migden’s driving

The story behind Senator Carole Migden’s accident last week is getting more interesting.  The Chronicle and KTVU are reporting that Migden may have had an additional accident before rear-ending a Honda sedan on Hwy 12 in Solano County. 

Migden says that she only took her eyes off the road to reach for her cell phone, but witnesses say otherwise.

From the KTVU story:

But about a half dozen motorists had called 911 before the crash as Migden traveled more than 30 miles on Interstate 80, heading east from the San Francisco Bay area.

"We have drivers calling from apparently down in Berkeley all the way up to where she crashed," CHP Officer Marvin Williford said Tuesday. "Her driving was just erratic.

"Unfortunately, she crossed three different CHP districts, so by the time we got into position in one area, she was in a different jurisdiction."

One driver told the CHP that he say her reading and talking on the phone while driving.  She was apparently going 80 miles an hour.

The CHP is adamant that she was not intoxicated.  No, not drunk, just too darn important to pay attention to the road. 

Apparently, because Migden says she was on state business, the taxpayers will pay all of her bills.

If she’s got any class, she’ll offer to personally pay all of the damages.  But I won’t hold my breath.