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Shawn Steel

Who Really Cares?

California Liberals like to think themselves as selfless compassionate souls concerned for their fellows. No matter that they hide in Beverly Hills and Malibu escaping Section 8 Housing, their kids go to elite private schools that poor folks cannot afford, but of course they give. Don’t they?

Well the sociological evidence shows they don’t. Professor Arthur Brooks,  once a well meaning liberal himself , exhaustively researched donor trends In America and discovered the more religious the person the more generous they were  giving to charity. Since more conservatives are more religious the givers are overwhelmingly to the right..  "Who Really Cares" 2006, Basic Books.

Last night at the Beverly Hills Hotel is a case in point. At its annual fundraiser, the Midnight Mission featured the Hearts of Gold banquet. The Midnight Mission was founded in 1914 to care, feed, house and offer rebuilding opportunities for drunks, drug addicts and the self imposed underclass in LA’s skid row. Seldom receiving government money, Midnight Mission is considered one of the most efficient and effective charities in LA.

We who co-hosted the dinner? 

Gerald Chamales and Ali Razi. Gerry is the founder of Rhinotek a major printer supplier. Chamales is a well known Republican supporter and maxed out for my wife’s campaign. Ali Razi, a refugee from Iran. Beginning anew he  built a successful home construction company building thousands of homes in California. Ali previously served as the Secretary of the California Republican Party, founded the Iranian American Republican Association and the Westside Lincoln Club. 

Alec Baldwin and Michael Moore were reportedly missing. In fairness, Ed Bagley, Jr served as MC. I recall attending a YAF  meeting at his father’s home, with Ed, Jr. His dad was an outstanding conservative. Still Ed, Jr is rare in that he walks his talk and is no hypocrite. 

Recently I reported that nearly 70% of major political donors in California are libs. [ Here} "The Wealthy Left Finance CA Politics" March 12, 2007. 

Isn’t it revealing that the Left will use their money to seize the machinery of the state, but compared to conservatives when giving direct to the homeless, they are nothing but pikers.