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Brandon Powers

Doolittle Brings On Ron Rogers As COS

This morning, longtime GOP Consultant Ron Rogers sent an email to friends and colleagues announcing his newest adventure – becoming Chief of Staff to Congressman John Doolittle.

This isn’t the first foray into government work for Ron, a longtime partner with the firm Russo, Marsh, & Rogers. He previously had served as Chief Deputy State Treasurer to former Treasurer Matt Fong, and has done stints in the State Senate, State Assembly, and Orange County Supervisors Office.

In explaining the motivation for his move, Ron said:

I want to advance the cause of Republican principles and conservative governance.

John Doolittle has been on the front lines fighting for those principles his entire life.  Challenging and defeating liberal incumbents, encouraging and supporting conservative candidates, championing legislation and supporting issues that allowed Republicans to win control of the House of Representatives.

Now, those that didn’t like his being the giant killer and champion of Republican victories see an opportunity to bring him down.  In my opinion, they are being joined by a group of weak followers coveting his position. 

Make no mistake about it – this challenge is real.  A conservative stalwart is under attack.

Congrats Ron on the new gig!

2 Responses to “Doolittle Brings On Ron Rogers As COS”

  1. Says:

    Ron is exactly what Doolittle needs at this time. I was an intern at his consulting firm last summer. He helped teach me many of the basics of running efficient communications and public relations. He was a great leader at the office, always coming up with a great response to problems that inevitably will arise. I am sure he will be missed at RMR, but his strong, intelligent management is exactly what Congressman Doolittle needs.

  2. Says:

    I don’t think the best help in the world can save the Congressman at this point. This move is tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.