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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Bob Huff – Bullying Tactics Fail to Intimidate Assembly Republicans

Late last week, Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, acting like a four-year-old moved third-term Assemblyman Todd Spitzer into what is literally the smallest legislative office in the State Capitol.  What did Spitzer do to merit being the target of this Núñez "tantrum" ??  Well, I’m not sure what the proverbial straw was that broke the back of the Speaker, but there is no doubt that Spitzer’s multi-year battle against liberal Democrats and their unwillingness to hold individuals responsible for their criminal actions (ultra-liberals belief that these criminals are actually ‘victims’ themselves, of a society that has ‘forced’ them into committing crime).  Núñez famously verbally assaulted Spitzer after he wrote on this website a column talking about how Democrats were "pro-criminal" – which, based on their constant rejection of tough-on-criminal legislation, is an accurate label!

Below is an exclusive column from Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, penned in response to Nunez’ childish action:

Bullying Tactics Fail to Intimidate Assembly Republicans
By The Honorable Bob Huff

“I think that this sends not only the right message to folks out in the public, but also for us.  It says we can work well together.  The days of ‘gotcha’ politics are over in California.” 

      – Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez on April 26, 2007

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Bob Huff – Bullying Tactics Fail to Intimidate Assembly Republicans”

  1. Says:

    Keep standing up for what is right and best for Californians. The safety of our children and grandchildren is at stake. It is not comprehensible why the Dems in the State legislature are so “bull-headed” about Not protecting our people of California. They seem to continue to submit and attempt to pass bills that harm our society. They continue to drop off released criminals right into the middle of our communities, placing danger to our children. Things need to change in Sacramento for the future of our children and grandchildren.

  2. Says:

    And hear I thought Republicans believed in the downsizing of government.

    So tell me something: when the Assembly Republican leader assigns a Republican to the “doghouse” it’s all fine and good. But when the Speaker does, it’s “bullying.”

    Ah, now I get it.

  3. Says:

    Huff is wrong. The Speaker was simply protecting the position of the Governor.

    Bipartisan punishment for partisan behavior.

  4. Says:

    Maviglio: Au Contraire! You know better that the power to shuffle a Member of the Assembly to a smaller office rests with Speaker’s office, which I think you are very familiar with: The scope and power!

    The Democrats are now in a indefensive situation about this move.

    Yes! Bullying is the only adjective word describing what transpired last week.

    Thanks to Assemblyman Huff in highlighting what TRULY went on.

    Democrats hate it when the truth hits them on the head.

  5. Says:

    I hate to let facts get in the way of a good publicity stunt, but if the Speaker was serious about “punishing” Mr. Spitzer, he would have done it Willie Brown-style. Giving someone an office with a view of the park isn’t exactly “punishment.”

  6. Says:


    To be philosophically consistent with Republicans being in the minority, I would think that Democrats would be advocating larger offices and budgets to GOP members in the spirit of “affirmative action.”