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Shawn Steel

Packing Heat at the LA Central Com : War at the 37th

It’s only recent that County Central committees could vote to formally endorse candidates. Forever, it was not kosher for Republican leaders to endorse or throw official party weight behind candidates before the Primary. The thinking was to allow the Republican voter to have exclusive power over determining nominees. The LACRCC continued the tradition by not endorsing anyone for the Special Election in the 37th CD.

Well, it was certainly hot at the LA Rep Central Com meeting last Wednesday night. At issue was who to endorse for the June 26, special election of recently deceased Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald . With term limited California, the only ‘permanent" political jobs are Federal Congressmen. Meaning, once you get elected it’s a literally lifetime job.

But candidate "Bishop"  Guillory, a minister made a strong impression. Flanked with 6 body guards, each with blue tooth, some armed and  others sun glasses. It was already known that the minister was a convicted felon who served 8.5 years in state prison for kidnapping. Oh well, you got to do what you got to do.  When Guillory began to speak,   two of his body guards stood on each side of him on the platform and the others went to guard each exit. Guillory probably felt safe.
Of the 30 Ex Com members entitled to vote, Guillory nabbed 11 votes. But not the endorsement. 

Long Beach Police Officer John Canaley is also a candidate, who just received the LBPD association support. Canaley, just returned from service in Iraq. 

The 37th CD voted for Kerry in 2004 by 74%. The division among the democrats is a classic  race war between Blacks and Latinos. Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas is leading an umbrella group trying to ‘ protect ‘ black democrat districts.  The Sacramento Bee commented on the democrat racial scramble. "With few blacks in Congress, African American leaders often put an emphasis on replacing one black politician with another."

But the daughter of the deceased Congresswoman has her own ideas.  Valerie McDonald announced she  is running  against the almost anointed black assemblywoman Laura Richardson. This will cause havoc amongst the high-pro black female voters. Richardson argues although Latinos outnumber blacks from 40% to 30%, blacks vote with much higher numbers, considering the large number of illegals. 

Both face the formidable Sen. Jenny Oropeza, who enjoys unified Latino support from fellow legislators.

So far democrats have nicely balanced the black vs. Latino power blocks. But the war in the 37th promises to burn bridges for a generation. 

And Republicans can’t be counted out. At least in the melting pot district they too will have an active primary as this Congressional race will face a primary on June 26 and the General election on August 21.

4 Responses to “Packing Heat at the LA Central Com : War at the 37th”

  1. Says:

    The contest between Sen. Oropeza and Asm. Richardson is only a warm-up round for the dynamics of 21st century LA demographics.

    The upcoming Supervisorial race to replace retiring Sup. Burke will be the real challenge to relations between Latino and African American voters.

  2. Says:

    Correction: Meeting was last night (Thursday, May 10th, 2007).

    I was there and an Executive Committee Member of LACRCC. The body guards appearance threw me off (well, not literally), because I thought what was going on here. Then everything came to me.

    I voted NOT to endorse anyone, because it would have been unpredecented.

    Something for me to tell future GOP leaders and my grandchildren about this experience!

  3. Says:

    I also was present at the Thursday night evening. I believe we have to be practicsal, considering the area we are talking about! Even tho I totally resented (I do noit like the word, offended, but I was!!)at the “body guard show” that Bishop Guillory displayed for us. He had some strong words and seemed to carry the RIGHT message for the GOP! This man could win in the black community regardless of his criminal record! It seems the black community is drawn to or sympathetic to those who have a record! (Can you say Marion Berry, just to name one!?) At first I was impressed by the black lady candidate who was not even there but sent a representative. The more I think about it the more I think we should get behind Guillory. My advise to him would be to KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!! NEVER appear before a GOP group with your “rock star show: with the silly show of body guards! We are NOT the enemy! Maybe he feels the need for them when going into the dangerous neighborhoods but please lleave them outside when entering a GOP venue! That is a turnoff!!!

  4. Says:

    I also was present at the Thursday night evening. I believe we have to be practical, considering the demographical area we are talking about! Even tho I totally resented (I do not like the word, offended, but I was!!)at the “body guard show” that Bishop Guillory displayed for us. He had some strong words and seemed to carry the RIGHT message for the GOP! This man could win in the black community regardless of his criminal record! It seems the black community is drawn to, or sympathetic to those who have a record! (Can you say Marion Berry, just to name one!?) At first I was impressed by the black lady candidate who was not even there but sent a representative. The more I think about it the more I think we should get behind Guillory. My advise to him would be to KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!! NEVER appear before a GOP group with your “rock star show” with the silly display of body guards! We are NOT the enemy! Maybe he feels the need for them when going into the dangerous neighborhoods but please leave them outside when entering a GOP venue! That is a turnoff!!!