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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California Political Fundraiser Ann Dunsmore tapped as Rudy’s Deputy Campaign Manager

The Giuliani for President campaign is treading on some new ground.  While campaign fundraising is an integral (and essential) component of any national campaign for the White House, there is still a natural tendency to ‘wall off’ the fundraising arm of a campaign from the political side.  The notion typically is that that fundraising brings IN the resources, and political SPENDS the resources.  Well, yesterday Rudolph Giuliani tapped a Californian as a Deputy Campaign Manager, someone who will ‘bridge the gap’ between the finance and political operations.

Ann Dunsmore (pictured to the right) has had a successful career spanning nearly three decades in the world of political (and non-profit) fundraising.  Her company, Capitol Campaigns, has a national reputation for their ability to separate donors from their cash on behalf their clients.  With offices around California, but also in Manhattan, Ann has built up a business based on a consistent ability to achieve results.

I spent many years working for Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona, and he would often comment on how the one quantifiable part of politics is the fundraising.  As he likes to say, "A donor either gives or they don’t — and then you know for certain if they support you."

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: California Political Fundraiser Ann Dunsmore tapped as Rudy’s Deputy Campaign Manager”

  1. Says:

    This is a real coup for Rudy Giuliani. I’ve seen how productive and effective
    Ms. Dunsmore is in past races where we assisted the same candidates.

    She gives new meaning to the word, “focused” !