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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Courtesy of the CR’s: Union Busting In Emeryville…

Today the FlashReport features two ‘must read’ columns — one from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and one from Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel. The former column is about the tragedy of over six billion dollars in bonds being authorized by the State of California (the "prison deal") without a vote of the people, and the latter is a sobering reminder that Californian’s have to work longer than most Americans to reach our "tax freedom day" — which is today!

Courtesy of Ryan Clumpner, the newly elected Chairman of the California College Republicans, check out this post from their CCR website – and the video below it when you’ve read it…

Friday, 04 May 2007

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Courtesy of the CR’s: Union Busting In Emeryville…”

  1. Says:

    Two other videos from the Emeryville event:

    My favorite part is that you can see “The Socialist Worker” hanging out of the union thugs’ back pockets… showing their true colors: Red.

    Thanks for the post Jon!

  2. Says:

    For FLASH erport

    I’ll say it outright…I am a democrat… the tradition of JFK and RFK…but when people from different parties agree, then its a sign that the thing they agree on must have some substance to it. I applaud your support of the Woodfin against a wickedly unjust protest. You guys…keep it up. Keep an eye on this.

    Unfortunately the disingenuous protesters attacking the hotel give the appearance of being left of center and therefore Democrats. They only tinge the Dems. They are not left of center….they fell right off the left side of the boat and into the drink. They are at best Greens and at worst Anarchists. Check out the links connected with EBASE and pals… will be astounded; apparently the Cold Way is over .and how.

    Woodfin Hotel — it’s about time you got some gonads. It’s too bad you have to sue the city of Emeryville to get some press. Where have your PR people been? Where have your attorneys been? The East Bay Alliance has been playing you like a top, making this an issue of big business against the little people. It’s anything but. This is an issue of what is legal and what is illegal. You have logic and Federal law on your side. The majority of people in our midst are reasonable and will support you IF YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE. We’ve only heard one side of this sad story. Turn up your volume.

    The IRS and INS laws of this country trump Measure C and if Emeryville city leaders don’t realize this, they are naive….perhaps feeling invincible as a result of their phenomenal commercial successes? Lets not forget who made Emeryville a success. Investors and business people–the Woodfin among them. Emeryville, hear this: If you want to “go Berkeley” as a city council, do so at your own peril. Investors and customers will vote with their feet and their wallets.

    If Mr. Biddle and Mr. Fricke (Emeryville city officials), the Union folks and the East Bay Alliance want to help any undocumented Woodfin employees, they need to raise their voices with congress….not on Shellmound Street. Or perhaps they could sponsor an illegal immigrant and walk them through the process of naturalization. In the meantime, they could sponsor the applicant —house them, feed them, bring them to classes and what not. The current protests make a mockery of the law of the land and make pawns of these undocumented folks. Enough with the noisy motley crew that has Martin Luther King holding hands with Che Guevara and Jimmy Hoffa. (All three of them are spinning in their graves).

    I am not a necessarily fan of Sam Hardage (Woodfin owner); but give him thanks for investing in Emeryville. And give him credit for daring, as a Republican businessman from San Diego for having the tenacity and balls to stand his ground against an army of professional left wing protesters up here in the San Francisco area.

    And while you’re at it, how’s about giving some balance to Oakland politics. Again, I’m a Dem. But its obvious that, with no opposition, Oakland politicians feel they are a shoe-in; no real opposition. No incentive for creativity. No challenge in the marketplace of ideas. Jerry Brown was the 1st to shake things up, bringing investors to the city, but now he’s gone. Otherwise, same old same old boys network. Same game, different face. They are not being held accountable for the dismal status quo they have created. My councilmember tells me that crime in Oakland is cyclical and the current spike in violence will run its course (surely it has nothing to do with her falling asleep while the Oakland police force was decimated by attrition and the rough rider scandal so that we are down 100 officers (conservative estimate) in a city that even if we have a fully staffed police department, lack 400 officers for a city our size. The city are frightfully disorganized and our tax dollars just sail out the window to “violence reduction” programs, and other nice sounding but ill-defined programs with questionable oversight.

    Kevin Dwyer
    Oakland, CA