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Mike Spence

Pro-abortion Radicals Hijack SB 850

SB 850 by Republican Abel Maldonado and Democrat Lou Correa was a simple bill. The bill would allow mothers to request a "certificate of birth resulting from stillbirth". This seems simple enough. Women who feel the need to recognize their child would have that option.
This seems like a compassionate bi-partisan bill.
And it was until Sheila Kuehl and the lobbyists at Planned Parenthood got hold of it in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Despite Maldonado’s attempt to have an up and down vote, the committee added language that
"(j) (1) Through its courts, statutes, and under its Constitution, California protects a woman’s right to reproductive privacy. California reaffirms these protections and specifically its Supreme Court decision in People v. Belous (1969) 71 Cal.2d 954, 966-68..”
See this law on stillbirths gives to much humanity to unborn babies. (Remember these are the people that tried to limit ultrasounds last year.) The pro-abortion extremists that run things can’t have that. Their solution is to insert a clause that reaffirms abortion on demand for any reason or no reason at all.
If we truly lived in a bi-partisan or post-partisan world, simple language declaring this act “abortion neutral” by declaring that it couldn’t be used to overturn any court case normally (in other states) suffices. But not in the Abortion Über Alles mentality of the Democrats in the state legislature.