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Jon Fleischman

GOP Train Wreck Coming Fast – Can we avoid it?

You have to figure that when there are train wrecks, they represent unavoidable, unanticipated situations that result in tragedy.  After all, if you knew in advance that there was going to be a train wreck, you would do something about it, right?
Well, there is a trainwreck coming for my own Republican Party, and it seems like we should be doing something about it now.  If not, I predict that it will be horrible, and ugly, as trainwrecks can be…
You see, one of Florida’s United States Senators, Mel Martinez, was elected to be the General Chairman of the Republican National Committee in January.  For the most past, Martinez is a solid Republican and his credentials are strong.  As a matter of fact, his close relationship with President Bush probably helps the RNC in many respects. 

On the other hand, it may be more of a hindrance in some areas, where the RNC needs to make it clear that they disagree with the President on an issue.
This is where you can see the collission coming, Senator Martinez (pictured to the right) has made it pretty clear that when the President’s proposal to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens comes up for a vote, he is going to vote for it.
Make no bones about it – President Bush is DEAD WRONG on this issue, and so is Senator Martinez.
The implications of the train wreck start to become obvious when you start to think about the reverberation to the very core of the Grand Old Party if our General Chairman casts a vote for amnesty for illegal alients…
There are some obvious solutions…like it would be great if the President would withdraw his public support for any plan that allows those who came into this country illegally to be granted official status making their presence legal.  Second to that would be Senator Martinez publicly opposing the President’s position.  Otherwise, perhaps officials at the RNC, including Senator Martinez, might want to discuss his departure from the RNC before that vote.
Otherwise…. Look out for a horrible crash, with casualties.

As an elected officer of the California Republican Party, I am very worried about this — as when I go to speaks to groups, the NUMBER ONE ISSUE that I hear from GOP donors and activists is their opposition to granting legal status to America’s criminal alien population.

One Response to “GOP Train Wreck Coming Fast – Can we avoid it?”

  1. Says:

    Of course, there is ANOTHER train wreck coming for the Republican Party.

    Check out Arlen Specter’s comments today on the Gonzales situation.