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Mike Spence

Another Entry into 60th Assembly Race?

The San Gabriel Valley Lincoln club meeting this morning offered more intrigue than I could have imagined in the 60th AD GOP race. Two candidates showed up. Larry Dick and Curt Hagman. You can see my last post on this race here.
I asked both to say a few words.
At the end of the meeting, one of our Lincoln Club members told me he was a potential candidate, but hasn’t decided yet. NO, I’m not hearing voices in my head. See post here.
It was none other than La Habra Heights Councilman Stan Carroll. I pretty sure he has been elected at least two times to the council. Stan is a professor at Rio Hondo College and a former prosecutor in San Bernardino. Did I mention the district included parts of three counties? (SB, LA and the OC).

Any other candidates out there?