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Jon Fleischman

John Doolittle’s Home Apparently Was Visited By The Feds…

It’s been reported just about everywhere that apparently last Friday the FBI searched the home of GOP Congressman John Doolittle.  Doolittle, who’s 4th Congressional District represents much of North Eastern California, and perhaps more so, his wife Julie have been frequently mentioned in articles surrounding convicted criminal Jack Abramoff, a former lobbyist whose turn to the dark side has become a political problem for many Republicans, as Ambramoff was very much imbedded within GOP circles.  Julie Doolittle, for a time, did some fundraising work for an entity associated with Abramoff.
Let me slip this into my post right now.  Unlike many stories that we cover here, where I don’t know the parties involved, in this case, I have known John and Julie Doolittle for nearly twenty years.  I know them to be honest and good people, and would be the first to try to encourage FR readers not to be sucked in to what will be a liberal-media driven vortex of ‘guilt by association’ — don’t do it.  I spent many years working for a law enforcement agency, and I know full well that it is often the case that investigators will serve subpoena’s to rule out suspects, or based on tips or information that simply turns out to be false.
I attempted to contact the Congressman’s Press Secretary to see if they had a comment, but of course he is just a tad busy.  Besides, I’m not sure what they would say other than version 349b of "We are fully cooperating… blah blah."
On the personal side of this, I feel genuinely bad for the Doolittle’s.  Be strong.
That said, there is a very, very real political dynamic to this whole thing.  Doolittle barely eked out a victory with less than 50% of the vote last November in a seat that was literally gerrymandered to give him a huge win.  It was already reported yesterday that Doolittle’s fundraising hasn’t been doing well.  All of this means that immediate speculation will turn to next year’s elections…  Democrat Charlie Brown (seriously, that’s his name) who ran so close a race last time is already running again.  But now this news will increase the likelihood that Doolittle will come under internal pressure to retire, and a lot more conversations will be taking place about who might run as a Republican — whether Doolittle is on the ballot or not…
Unfortunately for the Doolittles, what they need is a quick resolution of the federal government’s expansive probe into all things Ambramoff.  I also learned when I work in law enforcement, that the Feds seldom work quickly…  So that said, Doolittle is entering into a challenging period of time as an incumbent.  Especially in an environment where grassroots Republicans are so frustrated with our GOP Congressional leaders anyways.  The overspending, the ethics scandals, etcetra. 
Innocent until proven guilty is an important American mantra.  I’m just not sure that anyone is willing to apply it to any Member of Congress these days.

P.S. Oh yes,  I suspect you won’t see Doolittle making his scheduled appearance at the Pluming-Heating-Cooling Contractors National Association Reception tonight…


They did, in fact, release statement 349b:

Doolittle Responds to Reports about FBI Search of Wife’s Business

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-Roseville) issued a statement to media questions regarding reports of an FBI search of his wife’s business in Virginia. 

Doolittle said, "My wife has been cooperating with the FBI and the Justice Department for almost three years and that cooperation is going to continue in the future.  I support my wife 100 percent and fully expect that the truth will prevail."

Media referrals are to a pair of attorneys, one representing the Congressman, another his wife.  I’ll bet all of the left wing radicals out there call just to rack up billable hours…

Oh yes, I believe that Julie worked from her home, thus the use of "home" by the press and "office" by Doolittle, as to where the search took place.