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Today’s Commentary: Ethics, AMT and other things

Senator Feinstein is under scrutiny for some of her/her husbands dealings…I have always preached that we should all be careful what we wish for.  If she has a true financial conflict of interest based on the law.  Shame on her.  If there is not legal conflict, only one that is perceived.  Shame on her accusers.

– I don’t know much about the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) other than I pay it.  And it is a major disincentive for charitable giving.  Once the AMT kicks in, the deductions you take for contributions to non-profits often times fall out.

– State Senator Abel Maldonado is right.  Mission San Miguel and others like it that dot the California landscape and shaped our history should be eligible state funds for rehab.  I am not sure it isn’t the job of the Church or private sector or some non-profit (for which you won’t get a tax deduction for giving to because of the AMT) but if state funds are being used to fix up the ‘old mill back yonder’ because of its cultural or historical meaning to the state, the original missions should certainly be able to receive those funds.  Separation of church and state should have nothing to do with it.

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Ethics, AMT and other things”

  1. Says:

    Shame on her accusers? Isn’t it possible that Senator Feinstein did something that isn’t illegal, but ought to be?

  2. Says:


  3. Says:

    You need to learn more about the AMT. Deductions for charitable contributions do NOT fall out when the AMT kicks in. It’s your deductions for taxes that fall out under the AMT. In fact, it’s under the regular tax system that your deductions, including charitable deductions get reduced at certain income levels. That doesn’t happen under the AMT.