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Barry Jantz

Hollingsworth’s Public Safety Package

One would think from Dennis Hollingsworth’s bill package this year that he’s got it out for sexually violent predators or something, or maybe even that he believes the state should be trying to protect kids.  Now, there’s a thought.  Perhaps that’s why he’s the legislative chairman of Project KidSafe.

Kudos to Sen. Hollingsworth for focusing on legislation where it will mean the most.  If another legislator has a set of bills as "KidSafe"-oriented as this one, let’s pay some tribute there as well…just let me know.

Now, if we can just get the majority party to support a few of these:

Project KidSafe: Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs)

Falsifying Registration Information: In October 2006, a Sexually Violent Predator named Matt Lyon Williams was released unconditionally in East San Diego County and proceeded to register as a transient. His case revealed several loopholes in the sex offender laws. Authorities re-arrested Williams after discovering he had a vehicle and a home residence. Hollingsworth introduced SB 501 to require that falsifying registration information be considered perjury.

GPS For Unconditional Release:
In addition to SB 501 related to the Williams case, Hollingsworth introduced SB 502, which would require a Sexually Violent Predator released unconditionally to be monitored by GPS for life.

Rejection of Treatment:
A vast majority of adjudicated Sexually Violent Predators, including Williams, refuse treatment in a state hospital. Hollingsworth’s SB 503would provide that during a hearing on whether or not to conditionally release a SVP, the failure to engage in treatment shall be considered evidence as to whether that person’s condition has changed.

High Risk Offenders:
SB 505 would require all transient high risk sex offenders to wear GPS devices for life and to register with authorities every five days.

Prohibit Transient SVPs: Also related to the Williams case, Hollingsworth introduced SB 506 which prohibits a SVP from registering as a transient upon release.

Project KidSafe: Sex Offender Group Homes

Sex Offender Group Homes: Hollingsworth introduced SB 913 to prohibit residential facilities serving 6 or fewer person from housing registered sex offenders.

Group Home Business Licenses: SB 914 would allow a local jurisdiction to require that a community care facility obtain a business license from local authorities if the facility serves any adult or juvenile who is under the supervision of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Group Home Zoning:
Hollingsworth’s SB 915 would require group homes housing sex offenders to be subject to local zoning laws as an adult-oriented business.

In case anyone believes Hollingsworth is a bit too focused on sex offenders, he also has some other public safety legislation:

Hollingsworth’s SB 476 seeks to increase penalties for stealing firearms from a licensed firearms dealer.

Home Invasion: The measure, SB 477, would make it an automatic felony to intentionally enter a home to purposely assault someone.

Impersonating A Peace Officer: Hollingsworth’s SB 479 would add sentencing enhancements for assaults committed while impersonating a peace officer, or committed by an actual peace officer while in uniform and under the color of authority.

California Emergency Services Act:
The sunset date of the state Disaster Response Emergency Operations Account, establish by the California Emergency Services Act, would be extended under SB 548 to January 1, 2013. (Sponsor: Governor Schwarzenegger)

Unlawful Business Entry: It would be a misdemeanor to enter or remain in a business establishment after being requested to leave, under SB 804, after being served with a written warning or request prohibiting that person’s presence on the property for a period of six months by the owner, owner’s agent or by a peace officer. (Sponsor: San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis)

By the way, since the Senator is also carrying several other non-public safety bills — including CalWorks reform and a State income tax repeal — I guess he could be accused of being soft on crime.