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Tab Berg

MacGlashan running for re-election, supports Sander in AD10

Earlier, fellow blogger Tom Ross complimented County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan for her tough stand to protect children and noted that her conservative votes and effectiveness on the Board positioned her well for a GOP primary in AD 10. 

Tom’s assessment was right – but MacGlashan is running for re-election to the Board of Supervisors – and she’s endorsed Rancho Cordova Mayor David Sander for AD 10.  (disclaimer: McGlashan and Sander are clients of TABcommunications).

Sander currently serves as Mayor  of one of the largest cities in AD 10 and is an impressive fundraiser – he’s raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for his city council races and nearly $1 million for community causes over the past couple of years. Sander announced today, and has already lined up numerous area GOP elected officials – including MacGlashan, Supervisor Susan Peters, Elk Grove Councilwoman Sophia Scherman, Rancho Cordova Council members Dan Skoglund and Linda Budge, Sacramento Councilman Robbie Waters…

Sander has a unique story — he’s a conservative businessman who was educated as a scientist and served as a Congressional Science Fellow before moving to Sacramento about a decade ago.

Watch for many more endorsements for David Sander over the next few weeks…

One Response to “MacGlashan running for re-election, supports Sander in AD10”

  1. Says:

    Sander will have a battle on his hands with Paul Hegyi. Hegyi has spent the near entirty of his waking hours working with conservative legislators, candidates, and activists. He will be able to tap into a huge fundraising and endorcement pool that will be hard for any candidate to beat. Additionally, his get out the vote effort from many dedicated volunteers should be hard to beat given his experience in grassroots campaigns.