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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Coming Calamity: Can It Be Stopped?

I read today about the ambitious agenda in Sacramento and I just shake my head.  Democrats and their Governor apparently don’t understand that when a building is on fire, you don’t go outside and plant flowers.  

Already we are seeing devastating fissures in State revenues, after several years of record increases.  Democrats and their Governor, along with just enough Republicans, have spent ALL of the increased revenue, borrowed more money, placed bonds on the ballot to incur further debt, and raised spending baselines to intolerable levels.  Sounds like Gray Davis five years ago, except Arnold has sky high approval for all of this.  Must be a better salesman.

I am heartened to see that Sacramento Republicans took the bold, bold step today of saying no to new taxes.  What courage!  The fact that a "pledge" even has to be signed in the first place is a joke. 

All in all, this is shaping up to be a very bleak situation, and given the right dynamics, might be worse than what Gray did to the State from 1999-2003.  What shall we say then?

After the Governor lost the special election in 2005 (the highlight of his term was placing those issues on the ballot) I wrote a blog in this space calling for the State GOP to give the State back to the Democrats.  With the way this budget is shaping up, it appears we already have.