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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Politicians

In light of all the latest in the scandal-ridden world the public sees that is the political arena, I thought I would share this campaign poster I ran across at a school campus the other day.  The name has of course been left off to protect the…candidate.  

Yes, politicians are role models.  Young people watch what those that are in charge say and do and ‘learn’ that is how business is done.  Like this current early primary/term limit deception isn’t fooling anyone I talk to.  This poster reminds me of a statement back in the mid 90’s that, if memory serves, I think Clinton apologist [now Congressman] Rahm Emanuel was saying on one of the Sunday AM news shows in defending the latest Clinton deception then, when he said, "Well, the President has kept all the campaign promises that he intended to."  Oh.  Thanks Rahm.  

At least this candidate for school secretary has tossed in a disclaimer with this head-fake to his/her schoolmate colleagues, "You’re not going to Disneyland!"