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Mike Spence

Sipping Hot Cocoa With Curt Hagman and the 60th AD Race

The race for the 60th Assembly District has plenty of intrigue. The current Assemblyman Bob Huff does not have an ordained successor. No one on his staff is running. The district has parts of three counties in it. You can see my previous post on this race here.
Yesterday I met with one of the candidates running for this seat, Chino Hills Mayor Curt Hagman.
I have to admit when I heard he was bail bondsman, I was wondering who gets into that kind of business. Turns out he started as a Private Investigator.
I was thinking that he wants to be in the legislature just to get more referrals.
Actually, my first impression was very positive. He is UCLA Alum. So you know he is smart. He was in NROTC there and met his wife there in Pysch 10. On issues Hagman is solidly Pro-Gun (owns them) Pro-Life, Fiscally Conservative. He is so fiscally conservative he avoided buying me lunch and got away with a trip to Starbucks with a guy who doesn’t drink coffee. Not to bad.
He loves what he has accomplished in local government, but knows the legislature is different.
He says he can self-fund. That makes two with the possible run of Mike Radlovic. In a weird twist Radlovic and Hageman talk quite a bit. That is unusual in a competitive race like this.
While, geography isn’t everything in this district, the San Bernardino portion is the smallest. He appears to have support from the Postmus machine in SB County, but will need to reach out more to the other parts of the district.

I don’t think he should be dismissed as a candidate. Hagman is top-tier material.