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Mike Spence

Another Candidate in the 36th AD Race

Conventional wisdom has the 36th AD has a match up between Steve Knight Palmdale City Councilman and son of the late, legendary Senator Pete Knight (See here) and the liberal Mayor of Palmdale Jim Ledford. (See here.)
Another candidate has filed a committee to run: Steve Fox. Fox was an elected member of the Antelope Valley Hospital board. He was defeated in 2004. (BTW: These races are real barnburners in the Antelope Valley. Really.). Steve then got elected to the Antelope Valley Community College Board in 2005. He is a member of the California Congress of Republicans. I spoke to him a couple times over the years. If I remember right he did fill out a pro-life questionnaire- the right way. Of course with the money and name ID of the others, he will have to find $$ as well. A third candidate-this one more Lancaster based will stir things up a bit.

No word of a candidate from the San Bernardino part of the District. Yet???