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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Random Thoughts on Thursday’s News

I’m not a big fan of using polling data to guide where California lawmakers should go on public policy questions.  Mainly because I find that with most surveys, the responses you get are only as good as the questions that are asked.  That said, polling because much more significant when you are talking about taking issues to the ballot box.  I am sure it is very disconcerting to the ‘insider political set’ that the voters are so strong in their suppport for the state’s current term limits.  After all, ask just about any insider and they will tell you they don’t work.  Ask most outsiders, and they will tell you that they are happy with term limits. 
Steve Poizner is being urged by a prominent state panel to reduce Workers Comp rates further.  I’m sure it won’t take much encouragement…
Big Brother is alive and well and lives in Sacramento.  There are so many bills out there to tell people how to lead their lives, or to ‘socially engineeer’ behavior by Californians.  That’s not the proper role of government.  If I want to have a solar panel on my roof, that should be my choice.  But my neighbor’s taxes should go to pay me for doing it.
The Governor has named a new Education Secretary — a good man by all accounts.  Wouldn’t it be novel if in his first speech, he called for the dismantling of the State Department of Education?  Education in California would take a huge lead forward if the federal and state governments would just stay out of it.
I keep reading about legislation to reign in ‘group homes’ in local communities (for the aged, or sobor living recovery, etc).  Legislators should treat very carefully in an area where the property rights of those home-owners are concerned.  To the extent that the use of these homes has a negative impact on their neighbors, that’s one thing.  But otherwise, shouldn’t we be looking out for the rights of those property owners?  Next thing you know, local governments will be taking people’s property…  Oh, wait…  That’s already going on.

Just some thoughts…

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