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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Jon Fleischman Interviews Rudy Giuliani

On Saturday, GOP Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s campaign came through Orange County, and provided me with another opportunity to bring the remarks of a Presidential contender to the readers of the FlashReport. Two weeks ago we brought you exclusive footage of Senator John McCain speaking at a fundraiser at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, and last week we were on hand to film Governor Mitt Romney as he spoke to supporters at the St. Regis Hotel in Dana Point. We also had a chance to interview Romney in advance of the event.

Thanks to FR friend Katie Levinson, formerly the Communications Director for the re-election campaign of Governor Schwarzenegger, and now a Senior Advisor to the Giuliani for President campaign, I was actually able to get a sit-down interview with Mayor Giuliani last Saturday, and you can watch that interview in the two videos below!

To be honest, I had a little ‘stage fright’ going on, I think, so I was hardly an engaging interviewer (I have newfound respect for Leno, Letterman and company) — but the Mayor was on his game, and despite my struggles, really stepped up to give thoughtful and comprehensive answers to my questions on healthcare, immigration, and on campaigning in California.  Up close and personal, I found Giuliani to be quite impressive and candid.

The interview took place in the study of the Davis residence in Newport Beach where about 150 people gathered for an exclusive fundraising event on behalf of Giuliani. The Mayor headlined an event for Congressman Ed Royce’s Congressional Club before the event at the Davis’ home, and then went on to yet another event over in Irvine. A FR ‘shout out’ goes to Giuliani fundraiser Jason Pitkin, who quarterbacked the two OC fundraising events and clearly met with success! Kudos also go to Giuliani’s local man, Eric Beach, who seemed an integral part of everything going on.

It was nice to spend some time with Bill Simon, our 2002 GOP Gubernatorial nominee, a real conservative, who is spending much of his time in New York these days, as the top policy advisor to the Giuliani campaign.

Enjoy the video interview below, and then make sure you go to the main page where I have four video excerpts from Giuliani’s speech at the Newport Beach fundraising event. I also have video of Assemblyman Ted Gaines and Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona, who were at that event. Finally, I caught the end of Ed Royce’s introduction of Giuliani from earlier at Royce’s event, and have put that up as well!

(This is a good time to remind readers that as Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party, I am not personally endorsing a candidate in the primary.)



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