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Jon Fleischman

A Powerful One-Two Punch Against Legislature by US Term Limits

We have learned that activist Anita Anderson has submitted another initiative to the Attorney General’s office. The new proposed initiative is aimed squarely at one of the Legislature’s key perks – gifts to legislators. Anderson’s first initiative would eliminate tax-free per diem for legislators. The new proposal is a sweeping ban on gifts to legislators from lobbyists, lobbying firms, or from "any entity that, during the previous twelve months, has employed a lobbyist or retained a lobbying firm or is a member of a trade association that employs a lobbyist or lobbying firm." That means no more junkets to Hawaii, golfing trips to Pebble Beach, or tickets to Kings basketball games or the Academy Awards.

The two initiatives paired together create a powerful one-two punch to legislators by eliminating their two favorite things – per diem and gifts. Insiders know the real force behind these initiatives is US Term Limits which is most unhappy about the Legislature’s game-playing on trying to extend legislative terms. US Term Limits President Paul Jacob promised last year there would be an initiative targeting per diem if the Legislature proceeded with Fabian Nunez’s plan to double terms for state Assemblymembers. They ignored Paul (to no one’s surprise) and now US Term Limits and term limits activist Howie Rich – who have a proven record of qualifying initiatives in California and other states – are keeping their word.

It’s a good bet that both initiatives will pass with at least 60% to 70% of the vote. Fabian Nunez’s scheme to stay in office by gutting term limits is doomed to fail and in the process he will cost his fellow politicians their most cherished perks of office.

A copy of the one-page initiative measure is attached.

You can attribute this growing show down, and reaction from US Term Limits, to Newton’s Third Law, which says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is clearly demostrated in the short video below.

One Response to “A Powerful One-Two Punch Against Legislature by US Term Limits”

  1. Says:

    i think ive seen that bollywood classic before