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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Autry’s Bloviations Aside, There Is No Fix On Immigration

Fresno Mayor Alan Autry, the latest in a long line of Republicans supported by the local Party and Lincoln Club only to disappoint on easy issues, clearly doesn’t have a clue on how to fix immigration policy, only that he doesn’t like anyone being deported.  All around us here in Fresno there are Republican farmers supporting amnesty, called "adjusted status" now in a sleight of hand change of nomenclature.  Of course, this will not work, and is a disaster waiting to happen in Washington.

We’ve gone almost six years now past 911 and Congress nor the President has moved to fix immigration.  Add this to a long list of problems not solved.  Autry’s actions don’t solve anything either.  

What needs to take place is simple.  We need to cut the wait time for entering the country legally from eight years to six weeks.  Who can accomplish this?  Silicon Valley tech leader can.  They need to examine all of our duplicative bureaucracies, overlapping procedures, and outmoded technology and put the fixes on a fast track, without government intervention.  Only until we build a smooth six week system will illegal immigration end.  We could require access to the criminal records databases of any countries wishing to have their citizens come here to live and work. before we agree to put their emigrants in the system.  After a system like this is built and put into place, I believe millions of illegals will self deport and go get in line for six weeks.  After one year, we could then begin mass deportations of all those that did not self deport during the one year amnesty period.  We would not adjust their statuses, just give them a green card and work visa.

How do I know Silicon Valley could accomplish this?  Look at this 1970’s era stereo system, which cost over $3,000 in today’s dollars.  Now look at this more powerful system, for $195.  Think the government could make something more powerful for less money?  No.  The government would have a larger system for $10,000.  We’ve got to mobilize technology to fix immigration.  The government cannot fix the mess they created.

The Alan Autry’s of the world, along with almost all members of Congress, haven’t a clue as to how to fix a major problem.  I wish they would devote more of their empty words to solutions instead of complaints and phony lawsuits.