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James V. Lacy

Latest California party registration statistics

The Secretary of State’s office has released the off-year Report of Registration, which shows nearly one million fewer registered voters this year than two years ago.  22 million people in California are eligible to vote, but only 15,682,358, or 69%, were registered to vote as of Feb. 10.  Registration totals for the six qualified political parties and those not affiliating with any political party follow:

·                   Democratic – 6,667,437 or 42.52%

·                   Republican – 5,362,473 or 34.19%

·                   American Independent – 313,461 or 2%

·                   Green – 138,861 or 0.89%

·                   Libertarian – 83,420 or 0.53%

·                   Peace and Freedom – 58,264 or 0.37%

·                   Decline to State – 2,953,414 or 18.83%

·                   Others – 105,028 or 0.67%