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Shawn Steel

The Wealthy Left Finance CA Politics

A Flashreport reader would be surprised the LA Times documented something we’ve long known. The really BIG money in politics comes from very rich liberals. 

The Times ran their piece back Feb 27 and we did a little of our own research. 68% of the largest individual contributors are liberal Democrats. Those donors gave over 61 million from 2003 to 2006. The very strange Stephen Bing, who inherited all his money, flushed at least 14.18 million into zany liberal projects and candidates. That 14 million is but a part of his largess. We don’t know how many millions he gave to 527’s. For example, Bing just gave over $ 50 million for pass tax hiking Prop 87, the Oil Tax. 

Some of  the rich liberal elite inherited their money. They’ve never worked a day but they are ready to back candidates  who will try to run your life. They include Ann Gerry Earhart [Getty heiress] , Susan Packard and Frank Orr [Technology heirs], Anne Bartley [San Francisco heiress], James Hormel [ food heir]  and Julie Packard [ technology heir]. 

Of the 20 top contributors only 6 are Republican. Of the 6 only one family inherited its money. The others are self made entrepreneurs.

This evidence should help despoil the view that Republicans are the party of the rich. Presently, today’s leftist Dem donors generally come from the idle leisure class. The overwhelming financial support Republicans get are from its middle class supporters.