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Jon Fleischman

Peschong tapped as Senior Advisor for McCain’s Presidential Campaign

John Pesching, a principal with the consulting firm Meridian Pacific, will be officially announced tomorrow as a senior advisor to the John McCain for President campaign, assisting with their efforts in the important Golden State.  In this capacity, John has told me he will be  volunteering his time.
I’ve known John for a long, long time and I he will be strong go-to person in California for McCain’s campaign.  John has a long, storied career in Republican politics, going all of the way back to beginnings when he worked in the Reagan White House (his photo helping then President Reagan with a weekly radio address is among the thousands on the walls at the Reagan Library).
John spent several years as Executive Director of the California Republican Party before going on to serve seven years as the Western Regional Political Director of the Republican National Committee, giving him a lot of experience to lend to McCain’s effort not only here, but in a host of other states on this end of the country.  I worked closely with John during the 2000 election cycle when he worked for the RNC, and I was the ED of the California GOP.  He also was a senior advisor for former Vice President Dan Quayle for a few years.
I caught up to John to ask him about his new role, and he was clearly very enthusiastic and excited.  He told me, "I’ve known Senator McCain for many years, and was able to really get to know him during my time spent in Arizona working for Vice President Quayle."
"I look forward to helping build a broad based coalition of support for Senator McCain in California, and in the west," Peschong went on to say.
John most recent political victory was actually west of California – where he was the consultant for the successful re-election campaign of Hawaii’s Republican Governor Linda Lingle.
In garnering the support of John Peschong, John McCain brings to his team someone with a lot of institutional knowledge about California politics. 

Congratulations, John!

One Response to “Peschong tapped as Senior Advisor for McCain’s Presidential Campaign”

  1. Says:

    Jon, I respect you and I think highly of John. Please ask him to have Steve Schmidt leave the interns in DC and let Californians run the campaigns. We are the ones who know our state the best.
    We have dedicated vets who support McCain but volunteers I worked with in Victory 06 are shying away because of Steve Schmidt.