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Mike Spence

A Union Member Abusing Funds AND a Conflict of Interest? Say it a’int so!

I know it’s hard, but imagine a union member getting elected to a water board and then using taxpayer funds he travels to a conference to staff a union booth. That really isn’t news as musch as the fact some other member of the board are taking him to task. This is happening on the Palmdale Water District where VP Dave Gomez did that. You have to like is truthfulness in this exchange between him and board member Gordon Dexter.

I did not pass out literature," Gomez told Figueroa and Dexter during a water board meeting Wednesday night.

Dexter responded that he watched Gomez hand literature to the Metropolitan Water District’s assistant general manager.

"Just that one," Gomez said.

A true Liberal. See the whole article here.

One Response to “A Union Member Abusing Funds AND a Conflict of Interest? Say it a’int so!”

  1. Says:

    Having played a pivotal role in the end of the attempt by Gomez and Wells to steamroll the District into implementing a union-only project labor agreement, I can say I find this incident completely unsurprising.

    The Republican Party up their in Palmdale had better be working on a candidate to run against Gomez in the next election. The guy has very few (non-union) friends and is therefore vulnerable.