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Carl Fogliani

GOP Chair Nehring in San Joaquin County

Earlier this week, California GOP Chairman Ron Nehring spoke to the monthly meeting of the San Joaquin Republican Party bringing his message of winning elections and unity to a packed house.  Nehring discussed every aspect of bulding a strong county party and took questions from the audience.

The meeting was attended by many activists who had been questioning the party in the past and Nehring’s inspiring speech brought many of them back into the fold with a new sense of unity and purpose.  Led by new Chairman Dale Fritchen, membership and fundraising is on the rise and excitement amongst San Joaquin GOP activists is returning as these former volunteers and donors return to the fold.  The timing could not be better as 2008 will see three open Assembly seats, one open Senate seat and a vulnerable democrat Congressman and the party will need to have all hands on deck.

Nehring’s presence was a critical turning point for the committee as it looks to get back to its winning ways.  The commitment of Senator Dave Cogdill has also been a very stabilizing force in getting the committee focused on its core responsibilities of building infrastructure and registering and turning out Republican voters.

Meeting side notes include, former Stockton Vice Mayor Gary Giovannetti declaring his candidacy for the open seat on the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors currently held by soon to be term-limited Liberal Democrat Supervisor Steve Gutierrez.   Also attending the meeting and introducing himself was Merced businessman Jack Mobley, who is mounting a challenge to 17th district democrat Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani.