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Mike Spence

LA Elections odds and ends. Greg Hill, Carson, Wal-Mart

Some stories I’ve posted in the past played out on Election Day in LA County. Here are a few:

Redondo Beach
Greg Hill lost his attempt at a political comeback in Redondo Beach. Current GOP City Treasurer bested his one time friend rather easily. See FR Post here and an article here.
Those that opposed the new Wal-Mart now control the Rosemead City Council. Only 6 months after it opened. GOP Councilman and longtime Rosemead Councilman, beat back a recall, but lost in this race. I’m sure the Wal-Mart foes will enjoy spending all the sales tax revenue, Imperial and the council brought in. See FR Post here and an article here.
After a widely publicized arrest of some teenagers that were defacing signs with stickers that said the signs were illegally posted, the incumbents still won. See here
The Mayor lost control. There is a recall going that actually produced a battery charge. (A legal charge that is) See FR Post here and an article here.


GOP Mayor and Pawn shop owner Rob Hammond easily defeated a candidate convicted of grand theft. See FR Post here and an article here.


One Response to “LA Elections odds and ends. Greg Hill, Carson, Wal-Mart”

  1. Says:

    Re: Rosemead–Sales tax revenue to the city was down 3% in the fourth quarter of 2006 vs. the fourth quarter of 2005 (the BOE’s Fourth quarter runs from mid-November to mid-February). In other words, with Wal-Mart open the entire quarter and the entire holiday shopping season, total sales tax revenue to the city was DOWN.

    All the neighboring cities I checked either held steady or had an increase in sales tax revenue during that same period, so it’s not like there’s a regional recession going on that would explain the drop-off.

    So it looks like a) Wal-Mart is not bringing in nearly as much sales tax revenue as its sock puppets claimed, and/or b) what sales tax revenue it does bring in is just being diverted from other stores in Rosemead. Regardless, the net effect is that Rosemead is not enjoying any sales tax windfall, so Rosemead is still badly trailing its neighbors in per capita sales tax revenue.