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Shawn Steel

LACCD Beachhead

Roy Burns, immediate past President of ALADS [ Assn of LA Deputy Sheriffs],  one of the largest police unions anywhere, forced a runoff against liberal Georgia Mercer. The election was an effort by 4 Republicans to challenge 4 pro-Teacher union incumbents,  from the long term control by teacher unions over the largest Community College District in America. 

Roy Burns was the only one to force a runoff. The other Republican candidates didn’t have a crowded field and the union slate won easily. 

Roy Burns came to our attention, when he represented ALADS trying to forge closer ties to Republicans. One of the great contradictions, is how can police officers—generally conservative—thrown huge chunks of money to liberal democrats. The answer is easy. Liberals will grant any government employee unlimited benefits. Still, the problem for Republicans, how can we help divide the Government Union Unbreakable wall?

So, we have the "Shawn Steel exception."  Divide and conquer. It worked for Caesar. Government Unions are bad for the republic unless they are a police union.  If a person is a first responder and a sworn officer, then those employees deserve generous benefits due to the life threatening jobs and public safety priorities. Roy Burns and ALADS supported many Republican candidates including the Stricklands. The deputies vote Republican but their unions are money fountains for the Dem’s.

Back to the District 5 race. Roy decided to run against the orthodoxy of the LACCD by challenging one of its weaker members. Luckily, other folks also challenged Mercer. Historically, when an incumbent fails to win the Primary they are toast in the General.

Roy Burns is a good conservative and  remarkable republican standard bearer deep in the heart of Los Angeles County. We wish him well in the General.