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James V. Lacy

Huge Crowd waiting to hear Romney speech at CPAC; other tidbits

Though Mitt Romney’s speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference is still one-half hour from now, there is a standing-room only crowd of about 1,500 currently inside the Regency Room at the Conservative Political Action Conference waiting to hear the speech, and another 500 or more waiting in line to get in as the D.C. Fire Marshall has limited access to the room because it is so full.  Guiliani similarly spoke to a standing-room only crowd earlier today.  I have never seen such huge turnouts for non-meal function speeches at a CPAC, and I have attended about 20 of them over the years.  This conference is HUGE!

Your author has noted other candidates for President, and their earnest supporters, such as Kansas Senator Sam Brownback  (who spoke at 1:30 pm today).  Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas spoke this morning and was politely received.  Newt Gingrich has been very evident as well, attending the conference today and mingling in the halls with delegates even though his formal speaking role is not until Saturday night.  Newt gets alot of enthusiam from this crowd.  Anti-immigration candidate Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) was spotted walking the convention with former Reagan Administration Treasurer of the United States, and more recently Reform Party consultant,  Bay Buchanan, quite obviously in tow.  Could that mean Pat and Bay have settled on Tancredo as their candidate?  Tancredo spoke at 1:00 pm today.

An on-going straw poll of the delegates on the Presidential race is occuring and results will be announced at 4:30 Eastern time tomorrow.

One Response to “Huge Crowd waiting to hear Romney speech at CPAC; other tidbits”

  1. Says:

    Jim, thanks for all of the great updates from the Conservative Action Political Conference. It’s great that there are so many folks there. Of course, in your modesty, you haven’t done it, but I can convey that Jim’s role and involvement with CPAC over the years has helped to contribute to the long-term success of the conference. We all look forward to your next update!