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Jon Fleischman

Fleischman and Nunez agree…one thing at least…

I don’t agree with Democrat Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez on much.  As a matter of fact, I think that I would be hard pressed to agree with him on just about anything.  But in an AP story today penned by Erica Werner, the Assembly Speaker unloads on the recent DC trip of Governor Schwarzenegger.  You can read the whole story here, but here is the choicest excerpt:

Nunez also commented skeptically about Schwarzenegger’s newfound advocacy for what the governor calls "post-partisan" politics. While in Washington, Schwarzenegger repeated the phrase he coined earlier this year, referring to himself as a governor who accepts ideas from all sides.

"What he’s talking about sounds good theoretically. I think in practical terms the way I read it is it’s just semantics. Post-partisanship – what does that mean? I don’t know. It’s some word he made up," Nunez said.

"But I think he has a claim, in some ways, to that new term because last year we got a lot of things done. But you know we did it because we reached across the party aisle … Remember, everything we got done were Democratic issues."

It’s that last part of the quote, I which I bolded for emphasis, with which I agree.  The Speaker and other liberal Democrats can hold their heads up high as champions of big government.  The Governor did not get any meaningful tax relief or regulatory relief for Californians in return for supporting major Democratic proposals.

Here’s to hoping that in the future, our Republican Governor’s ‘post-partisan’ deals with the liberals involves some movement on GOP issues, that shrink the size and scope of California state government.