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Barry Jantz

A kinder, gentler machine gun

I know I’ve been posting fun — not serious — stuff of late, but some things are just too outstanding to pass up.  Consider John Hoy’s email today with the subject header "Another great story promo from the SD Union-Tribune online edition," referring to this:

Dismemberment details emerge

The suspect arrested today in the brutal murder-dismemberment of a man in the South Bay area is described by his former boss at a local porn store and others as polite and thoughtful.

Not that the story itself is fun or oustanding, but consider that the online promo writer was able to package the words brutal, murder, dismemberment, porn store, polite and thoughtful all into one tightly-wrapped sentence.

Hey, whatever sells readership, but someone needs to hire that guy as a political hit-piece writer.

For extra credit, tell me from where I derived the title of this post.

One Response to “A kinder, gentler machine gun”

  1. Says:

    I won’t spoil it my friend…but I kinda like the verse….derived from the liberal nanny state…never get to go to school…never get to be cool.