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Jill Buck

Did Someone Forget to Kiss the Gavel?

Today’s San Francisco Chronicle reports that local Chinese media was barred from Sen. Clinton’s fundraiser at the Sheraton Palace on Friday. They were not included on Clinton’s media list for a press release on the event, and when reporter, Portia Li, arrived to cover the event, she was told that no “foreign press” was allowed. The incident was considered quite a snub, and though the Clinton camp apologized, the Chronicle reports that tension remains.


The first thing that went through my mind when I read this article was.doesn’t the Clinton campaign have someone knowledgeable on the ground in San Francisco who can help them avoid such a provincial faux pas?


And then it hit me: this is Nancy Pelosi’s home turf.


Can we infer anything about the relationship between Pelosi and Clinton if the former allows the latter to make such a blunder? San Francisco is no small media market for Democrats in a presidential primary. This could get very interesting.