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Jon Fleischman

California GOP launches new website!

Today the California Republican Party has has re-launched its website,, and it is definately worth a visit!

As you can see from the graphic to the left, the new website has a great look, and a main page that will allow you to easily navigate the site (don’t worry, you won’t actually have to see Senator Harry Reid’s face every time you go to the site).

Things to see on the site:

  • Below is a capture of the page of the site that allows you to easily drill-down to your own County GOP leadership, with contact information and a map on how to get to your local GOP County HQ.  You actually just click on the graphic of the county that you are from, and up comes the information!
  • CRP Chairman Ron Nehring is blogging over there, so you’ll want to check out the California Republican Blog.
  • The CRP is posting its latest releases and statements in an online Newsroom.
  • A calendar of events to let you know what is going on around California (it’s sparse now, but keep checking back).
  • You can get a hold of the media in your area by using a great tool on the website that uses your city to figure that out.
  • Interested in volunteering?  Contributing?  Or just getting on the e-mail list?  You can do all of this on the website.
  • If you are really starving fo rinfo, you can read bios on all of the CRP Board Members (even me!)

I asked CRP Chairman Ron Nehring about the launch of the new website, and he told me, "Our goal was to give Republicans in California the most powerful and useful online tools to organize, participate and communicate in the campaign. To achieve that we wanted to create the best state party site in the nation."

Again, you can check it out here.

(The link to the CAGOP website will always be available through our Resources menu above.)

One Response to “California GOP launches new website!”

  1. Says:

    How does the saying go? You can’t polish a turd?