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Jon Fleischman

Mike Vallante’s Leaving the CRP

I have had 100% confirmation that long-time California Republican Party Chief Operating Officer Mike Vallante is going to be soon departing from his post to take on new responsibilities with a presidential campaign.  Back once upon a time, when I served as Executive DIrector of the CRP (since then, the title has been changed to COO), Mike Vallante worked for the CRP as its Finance Director.  He’s a great guy.  Which campaign, you ask?  A picture is worth a thousand words.

3 Responses to “Mike Vallante’s Leaving the CRP”

  1. Says:

    Has anyone told the CRP staff yet? If they still don’t know, maybe they should read the FlashReport.

  2. Says:

    Yes, I verified that the staff was told before I posted this.

  3. Says:

    CRP’s loss is the Giuliani campaign team’s gain. Best of luck, Mike!