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Mike Spence

CRA Scorecard: Very Interesting

The CRA Scorecard is here. And it has some interesting items. You can see the press release here.

Unfortunately, there were only 5 Assemblymembers that received %100 (La Malfa, Huff, Mountjoy, Walters And DeVore). No one in the State Senate received a perfect score. 60 lawmakers, all democrats earned a ZERO.

Lowest GOP Score: Shirley Horton 35%. Other interesting tidbits is looking at lawmakers that may run against each other for higher office. FR’s Doug La Malfa (100%) and Rick Keene (71%). Or things that make go huh? like Keith Richman (65%) earning a higher score than Bill Emmerson (47%). 

Tom Harmon almost beat Abel Maldanado in the Senate even though he missed 8 votes in the Senate, because he wasn’t elected there yet! CRA has a policy (before my time) of scoring absences against the lawmaker. The philosophy has been that they "get paid to vote". Sometimes scores get hurt that way. For example Todd Spitzer missed the votes on the bonds, becasue his wife was giving birth, so they were counted negatively.

You can see the whole thing here.

One Response to “CRA Scorecard: Very Interesting”

  1. Says:

    It’s Harman not Harmon.