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Brandon Powers

Who Isn’t Running for State Assembly? Part 1

Over the fun-filled weekend up in Sacramento for the CRP Convention, it seemend that just about every 2nd or 3rd person I bumped into was running for a State Assembly seat next year. With a good-sized crop of incumbents terming out (we’ll at least according to the current schedule, they are), many folks well-known inside Republican circles are tossing their hats into the ring.

Over the next few days, I’ll roll a few of them out…

Most interesting of the crop though, and so where I begin is with my FR Blogpen member/CRA President Mike Spence.

Several very-in-the-know people I talked to said they had heard Mike was actively looking for a piece of property in the Diamond Bar area — to move the 3 miles or so needed to be a resident of the 60th Assembly District — to begin a run to replace Assemblyman Bob Huff when Huff makes his way up the ladder next year.

I asked Mike about such rumors, to try to pull a quote out of him for this, but all he gave me was his usual big smile that typically means, "You’re right, I’m just not going to tell you though."

I also chatted for a while with Chino Hills Mayor Pro-Tem Curt Hagman, who himself is taking a serious look at the seat. Though from San Bernardino, which makes up just a tiny sliver of the District, Hagman would bring some serious money to the race, as well as probably pieces of the powerful San Bernardino County political machine…

This will certainly be a fun race to watch over the months to come.