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Shawn Steel

CRP ‘s Future Chess Moves

When former Chairman Mike Schroeder, decided that serving for only two years was not enough, he changed the Bylaws allowing the Chair man to extend their term another two years, if approved by the delegates. Duf Sundheim was the first Chairman to serve 4 continuous years. As we know it’s a full time job that offers no salary. 

Ron Nehring was just elected as Chairman to his first term without opposition. He did this before when he was elected as Vice Chairman. No opposition. In the CRP, it is rare for a someone to reach the top spot with out having a contest, for Vice Chairman or for Chairman.  Ron is someone to watch.

Tom Del Beccaro  won his Vice Chairmanship spending relatively little money. Usually such contests have gone for over $100,000 per candidate. Del Beccaro instead made over 250 speaking appearances last year and earned a huge grass roots following. 

The moderate vs conservative factions had very few contests. Tom Bordonaro and Tom Del Beccaro are both good guys and movement conservatives. 

But the chess pieces seem to be fitting a clear pattern. Most believe that Ron Nehring will serve a full 4 years, retiring in 2011. If all goes well, Del Beccaro will serve as Vice Chairman until then. Then in 2011 Del  Beccaro would run for Chairman and serve until 2015. In the meanwhile, jockeying for Del Beccaro’s successor, from the South raises interesting questions. 

Given Mike Schroeder’s rules, did anyone anticipate these time lines ? 

It’s tough to figure who would serve as our chairman ending in 2019. The world might be a different place by then.