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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Bush Magnanimous – Dems Classless

Much of what was in the President’s SOU speech tonight we’ve heard before – there wasn’t a groundbreaking idea anywhere to be found.  But the tone, always the tone, was one of magnanimity.  Contrast this with Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats constant pounding of the President, and its a wonder to me why average citizens follow the left, as it is akin of following hatred.

The President is dead RIGHT on on the War on Terror.  He must be supported.  Arguing with the left on this is like taking candy from a baby – and conservatives don’t engage them nearly enough.  If we don’t engage this enemy our cities will be burning within this decade.  Jim Webb’s rebuttal was the usual classless claptrap.  

It’s no wonder most Americans have tuned out.

One Response to “Bush Magnanimous – Dems Classless”

  1. Says:

    The President sounded like an adult, a Father trying to bring
    about reconciliation among family members.

    This was his best speech in a long time. I hope he will continue
    in this vein.