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Jennifer Nelson

To Smack or Not to Smack?

Yesterday, the governor told the CoCo Times that when he was a child, he was routinely spanked.  (The conversation was in response to a bill Assemblywoman Sally Lieber is planning to introduce that would prohibit children under three years from being spanked.)

“I grew up, I got smacked about everything. That was the way worked,” he said.  “You know, I think it maybe had something to do with after the war. People were maybe more angry and more frustrated, you know, having lost the war or whatever else. So there was a lot of other things, a lot of drinking when I grew up."

But he does not parent the same way.  Instead, he says that he learned from the parenting style of his wife’s family, which was "no physicality at all, just communication."

Humm….let me get this straight…no spanking results in a family full of ultra-left liberals while spanking your child turns out a Republican-leaning, financially successful movie star and businessman?

Excuse me…I’ve got to go smack my kids.