As we close out the year in just a few days, I thought it’d be fun to reach out to a few friends to get some fearless predictions for what’s bound to happen in 2007.
First to respond were OC GOP Chairman Emeritus Tom Fuentes, and research super guru (and former Cal-YAF Executive Director) Jim Sills.
From the Chairman
1. California Democrats will begin their draft of Maria Shriver as their nominee to follow her husband as Governor.
2. Straining to look more Reaganesque, Ah-Nold will give up motorcycles and take up horseback riding. A Hollywood stunt coach will provide small cue-cards to help him say "Giddy-up" and "Whoa".
3. Following his performance as Master of Ceremonies at the gubernatorial inauguration, Willy Brown will be appointed Social Secretary and Senior Legislative Policy Advisor to the Governor.
4. LA Mayor Antonio Villarigosa will bolt from the Democrats and launch a new Progressive Socialist Party in the Golden State. He will be joined by former Mayor Dick Riordan, in a display of bipartisanship.
5. A per-word tax on bloggers will be adopted by the California Legislature and signed by the Governor when he realizes that adequate revenues can be generated from it to cover his next bond proposal, whatever that may be.
6. Several more current office holders will experience hospitality at new state prisons. Those who did not support the Prison Guards Union will wish they had.
7. A solution to the Mexico-U.S. border crossing tensions will be quickly found when the Mexicans threaten to cut off north bound shipments of tequila and Corona beer.
It is going to be a great year in 2007!
From Jim Sills
1. Dan Walters will AGAIN be the best State political columnist in Caifornia. No other journalist begins to understand election and voter reality like the iconoclastic Walters.
2. If Rep. Duncan Hunter retires from Congress to seek the Presidency, Assemblyman Jay La Suer will be elected to succeed him.
3. San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders will easily win a 2nd term in June 2008. Ditto city attorney Mike Aguirre.
4. Prof. Sherry Bebitch Jeffe will continue to be quoted by mainstream media reporters who need an academic to confirm the reporters’ own opinions.
5. Matt Cunningham will find an 18th-century Spanish land grant map proving that the City of Orange is part of Portugal, and thus NO ONE is qualified to run for their city council.
Matt will quote Raymond Chandler’s hero Philip Marlowe, saying "Crime is a sucker’s road, and those who travel it end in one of three places: the prison, the gutter, or the City of Orange."
6. Hillary Clinton will win the California Demo primary by a landslide. Women make up 58% of primary day Democrat voters in this state. Barack who?
December 29th, 2006 at 12:00 am
It is an honor to be published on the same page with
the great Tom Fuentes, one of my personal heroes.
His career proves that a man or woman can retain
their personal honor and integrity in this business.