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Barry Jantz

Not Exactly Two Tickets to Paradise

Regarding Jill Buck’s and Doug LaMalfa’s earlier posts, here’s what Eddie Money looks like not-circa-1981, since Jill was being nice….

As for "Take Me Home Tonight," all I can say is good luck.

Hey, Jon, I like these newer bloggers digressing from politics a bit.  Perhaps Joe Justin will consider returning, now that the site has gone Rock n’ Roll.

Ok, perhaps we should lay off, I feel the Jill-coined e-towel snap coming from Fleischman.

Speaking of politics, although this is quite a stretch, when I was in Sacto on Monday, I stopped into your office, Doug (LaMalfa), to see if I could collect on your July 13 Rock On challenge for a bag of Butte County rice or Sutter County peaches.  Alas, LaMalfa had left the building.  My fault, I should’ve let you know I was coming.  Perhaps I’ll catch up with you in February when Jon wins his CRP Southern Vice Chairman’s race?  (I feel no e-snap forthcoming now.)

One Response to “Not Exactly Two Tickets to Paradise”

  1. Says:

    Well, Barry’s picture is far more accurate than mine, and truth be told, I took myself home tonight. But I’m still “Shakin'”, feel like I’m in 8th grade, and don’t mind at all being one of Eddie’s “Ladies from the 80’s”! (:

    And just so I avoid an e-snap…Tommy T and I talked about the Pleasanton Mayorial race tonight. I feel another blog coming soon…

    I “Wanna Go Back”…jb